Tax return checklist for individual
☐ Salary & wages – Payment Summaries
☐ Employer Lump Sum and/or Employment Termination Summary
☐ Government payments and allowances statements
☐ Interest income from banks and other sources
☐ Statement for dividend received or reinvested
☐ Annual tax statement from Managed Funds Distribution
☐ Personal Service Income (PSI)
☐ Other income: Rental Properties
☐ Other income: Business Income (as a sole trader)
☐ Other income: Capital Gains from sale of investment assets
☐ Other income: Foreign income received
☐ Other income (please specify): ……
☐ Work related car expenses
☐ Work related travel expenses (fares & accommodation)
☐ Work related uniform and occupation specific clothing expenses
☐ Work related self-education expenses & professional development/seminars/conferences
☐ Previous year tax agent fees
☐ Home office expenses
☐ Telephone, computer, internet expenses
☐ Tools & equipment, registration, subscriptions, membership, union fees
☐ Income protection insurance premium paid
☐ Donations given to charities or building funds
☐ Any other expenses incurred in relation to income earning activities
☐ Personal superannuation contributions amount:
Full name of Superfund:
Account number:
Fund ABN:
☐ Senior Australian/Pensioner
☐ Did you make superannuation contribution on behalf of your spouse?
☐ Did you pay medical expenses relating to disability aids, attendant care or aged care?
☐ Health insurance and/or rebate entitlement statement
☐ Are you an Australian resident for tax purposes?
☐ Were you under the age of 18 on 30 June 2018?
☐ Did you have private hospital cover (health insurance) in 2018? Is yes, please provide statement.
☐ Do you have HECS/HELP liability or student financial supplement loan?
☐ Number of dependent children in 2018?
call today & make an appointment
02 9158 3828 or 0411 850 350